• Drum dance
  • The game animals show the way
  • Fishing lines for soapstone

You solve the tasks by using

  • Text
  • Audio
  • Drawing tools
  • Images

In the book you can find more information about the subject.


If you had a conflict it was solved with a drum dance.

A conflict could be: envy or jealousy – a bad trade – enmity.

You and your friend argue. What do you argue about?

Record or write a story about:

  • what did you fall out over?
  • how did you become friends again?

Your story:

På kortet side 19 i bogen kan du se, hvor inuit fra Sermermiut rejste hen.

Om sommeren rejste de ind i fjordene til sommer-bopladserne. 

Her fangede de rensdyr, ørreder og helleflynder.

De fangede også hvalros og narhvaler i havet langs kysten.

På deres rejser mødte de andre inuitter.  Dem handlede de med og udvekslede historier.

De første bosættere brugte harpun til at fange sælerne med. I dag fanges de med garn. 


  • You are going from Sermermiut to Attu to catch whales.

    How far is that?

  • What boat are you sailing in?

  • What whales do you catch?

The baleens could be worked and bound together as long fishing lines. The fishing lines were necessary for catching deep sea fish. Inuit from Ilulissat had baleens.

From soapstone lamps could be made. They were nice to bring along when hunting in the winter when there was no sunlight. Inuit from southern Greenland had soapstone.

For 2-4 baleens you could trade 1 soapstone.

  • Why would Inuit from southern Greenland exchange 1 soapstone for 2-4 baleens?

  • What did Inuit from Ilulissat use the soapstone for?

  • How could you get light in the soapstone?


If you had a conflict it was solved with a drum dance.

A conflict could be: envy or jealousy – a bad trade – enmity.

You and your friend argue. What do you argue about?

Record or write a story about:

  • what did you fall out over?
  • how did you become friends again?

Your story:

På kortet side 19 i bogen kan du se, hvor inuit fra Sermermiut rejste hen.

Om sommeren rejste de ind i fjordene til sommer-bopladserne. 

Her fangede de rensdyr, ørreder og helleflynder.

De fangede også hvalros og narhvaler i havet langs kysten.

På deres rejser mødte de andre inuitter.  Dem handlede de med og udvekslede historier.

De første bosættere brugte harpun til at fange sælerne med. I dag fanges de med garn. 


  • You are going from Sermermiut to Attu to catch whales.

    How far is that?

  • What boat are you sailing in?

  • What whales do you catch?

The baleens could be worked and bound together as long fishing lines. The fishing lines were necessary for catching deep sea fish. Inuit from Ilulissat had baleens.

From soapstone lamps could be made. They were nice to bring along when hunting in the winter when there was no sunlight. Inuit from southern Greenland had soapstone.

For 2-4 baleens you could trade 1 soapstone.

  • Why would Inuit from southern Greenland exchange 1 soapstone for 2-4 baleens?

  • What did Inuit from Ilulissat use the soapstone for?

  • How could you get light in the soapstone?