Cross-curricular teaching material where local expert’s narrations and science meet

Educational courses for all Greenlandic, English and Danish primary school and high school students and teachers.

Topics within the subjects about life and nature in Greenland along with teaching guides and tasks.

The material kan be used digitally in the classroom or while visiting The Icefjord Centre.

All teaching courses have been developed on the basis of the material from the exhibition “The Story of Ice”.

Please note that Kangiata Illorsua, The Icefjord Centre owns the copyright ©

The permanent exhibition “The Story of the Ice” narrates the history of Ilulissats unique nature and culture together with the climate changes that quite clearly mark their presence on the area.

It is the story of the lifecycle of the ice. How ice crystals are formed in the clouds and fall down as snowflakes on the ice sheet to eventually become part of the glacier front and one day break off as an iceberg, and how it will melt and and become water and evaporate into the clouds once more.  

The goal with the learning platform is to create insight and understanding for students, of how nature and the different cultures that have lived in the area, have adapted to the arctic climate along with portraying some of the skillsets that have been mastered then and now by hunters and fishermen. It is about the movement off the ice and the impact of climate change.   


Our learning material is based on giving students knowledge and skillsets that make them able to participate actively in a society that is in constant change.

It is about a building a foundation of knowledge that ties together with school curriculum and interdisciplinary knowledge; to acquire this it includes creative thinking and innovation, problem solving and critical thinking along with skills in communication and teamwork. Furthermore to learn about being human, and being able to act within reason in difficult life situations within societal values, along with an understanding of ones own and others culture.  

Students nowadays learn though both a digital and physical space. For the younger generation evolution is leaning towards a more fluid space where the definition of the physical and virtual space are less defined. A hybrid room where the two have melted together is achieved. The didactical frame of our material has been prepared as a blended program, which takes places partially in a physical and virtual space. 

In the material it is weighted that the students are activated through an exploring, experimenting, productive, creative and mediating way of learning.  

Local sailors come ashore amidst icebergs. Photo - Reinhard Pantke , Visit Greenland-min
Sermeq Kujalleq meets ocean. Photo - Stian Klo , Visit Greenland-min

The permanent exhibition “The Story of the Ice” narrates the history of Ilulissats unique nature and culture together with the climate changes that quite clearly mark their presence on the area.

It is the story of the lifecycle of the ice. How ice crystals are formed in the clouds and fall down as snowflakes on the ice sheet to eventually become part of the glacier front and one day break off as an iceberg, and how it will melt and and become water and evaporate into the clouds once more.  

The goal with the learning platform is to create insight and understanding for students, of how nature and the different cultures that have lived in the area, have adapted to the arctic climate along with portraying some of the skillsets that have been mastered then and now by hunters and fishermen. It is about the movement off the ice and the impact of climate change.   

Local sailors come ashore amidst icebergs. Photo - Reinhard Pantke , Visit Greenland-min


Our educational material is based on giving students knowledge and skillsets that make them able to participate actively in a society that in constant change.

It is about a building a foundation of knowledge that ties together with school curriculum and interdisciplinary knowledge; to acquire this it includes creative thinking and innovation, problem solving and critical thinking along with skills in communication and teamwork. Furthermore to learn about being human, and being able to act within reason in difficult life situations within societal values, along with an understanding of ones own and others culture.  

Students nowadays learn though both a digital and physical space. For the younger generation evolution is leaning towards a more fluid space where the definition of the physical and virtual space are less defined. A hybrid room where the two have melted together is achieved. The didactical frame of our material has been prepared as a blended program, which takes places partially in a physical and virtual space. 

In the material it is weighted that the students are activated through an exploring, experimenting, productive, creative and mediating way of learning.  




At the Icefjord centre we encourage students in primary school and high school to visit us and use the exhibition “The Story of Ice”.

As an institution, Kangiata illorsua – The Icefjord Centre in Ilulissat is a knowledge center and an external learning environment.

The Icefjord Centre produces educational material for school students in Greenland, in Denmark and internationally. All offers are developed for the learning goals in the Greenlandic and Danish school system.

The Icefjord Centre’s developers, partners, local and international experts ensure that the material is current and factually correct. See the list of our business partners on this page.


Greenlandic classes have free admission to the exhibition. 

The visit should ideally take place on weekdays within the school year. School classes from other countries pay a fee that is agreed on upon registration. Without registration, a group ticket is paid at the current price. Please register your visit in good time if you want a specific time and date. 

The Icefjord Centre reserves the right to assess how many classes can be registered in the same time period.

Registration must be arranged before the visit. Send an email or call The Icefjord Centre for an appointment .

Contact us at karl@ifc.gl or by phone: +299 555588 or +299 555557

If you wish to visit The Icefjord Centre during holidays, weekends or public holidays, entrance tickets must be redeemed on the webshop or on arrival. A 10% discount is given for groups of more than 12 people.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need help.

You can reach us at karl@ifc.gl or by phone on +299 555588.


There are many different options for a visit at the Icefjord Centre.
This is an example of how the students from 8th grade at Matihas Storch School have used their visit at the Icefjord Centre to contribute to their theme week about climate change.
Atuarfik Mathias Storch has through 2021/2022 cooperated with researchers from the University of Lapland. They have held workshops and talks at the school and taught about climate change.
The schools oldest classes have worked with presenting their work through an art exhibition at the school. Here is the film by 8A, who recieved 1st place for their film about climate change.


The learning platform is anchored in the Greenlandic school system through a partnership with the Institut of Learning and the national digital learning platform Kivitsisa and the learning platform Nutaaliorta. 

From Ilulissat Icefjord Centre we wish to express our gratitude to our partners and sponsors.