- A country of ice
- The last glacial period
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- Pictures
This part is based on pp. 26-33 – there you will find information about the subject.
Learn more about the ice sheet and climate changes here.
This is a model of the ice sheet on Greenland; it covers 80% of the country.
The ice sheet began as several ice caps that eventually merged to a single big one.
The ice caps were created and grew by snowfall after snowfall coming to rest on top of another and gradually the snow was compressed to ice.
What do the arrows on the model show?
The ice sheet contains 2.7 gigatons of ice. How many tonnes is 1 gigaton? How many kilos is 1 tonne?
What do you see in the pictures on pages 18-19 in the book?
The model shows the extension of ice in the northern hemisphere during the latest glacial period, the Weichselian glaciation.
In glacial periods the ice caps spread over large parts of the globe.
Today it is just 80% of Greenland and the North Pole that are covered by ice.
How many years have passed since the Weichselian glaciation?
How do you obtain information about the climate in the past?
How many years ago was the Eemian interglacial period? Search the Internet.
This is a model of the ice sheet on Greenland; it covers 80% of the country.
The ice sheet began as several ice caps that eventually merged to a single big one.
The ice caps were created and grew by snowfall after snowfall coming to rest on top of another and gradually the snow was compressed to ice.
What do the arrows on the model show?
The ice sheet contains 2.7 gigatons of ice. How many tonnes is 1 gigaton? How many kilos is 1 tonne?
What do you see in the pictures on pages 18-19 in the book?
The model shows the extension of ice in the northern hemisphere during the latest glacial period, the Weichselian glaciation.
In glacial periods the ice caps spread over large parts of the globe.
Today it is just 80% of Greenland and the North Pole that are covered by ice.
How many years have passed since the Weichselian glaciation?
How do you obtain information about the climate in the past?
How many years ago was the Eemian interglacial period? Search the Internet.