- The harp seal – the fastest seal
- The steadfast ringed seal
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This part is based on pp. 38-45 – there you will find information about the subject.
Read about the harp seal and the ringed seal.
This is a picture of a seal pup. It has a white fur that will later become darker around the head and on the back a horseshoe-shaped marking will appear.
An adult seal eats up to 3 kg a day; it eats cod and crustaceans.
The harp seal swims like a dolphin, making it the fastest of seals.
What is dolphin swimming?
What does moulting mean?
Why can the cold be dangerous to a newborn pup?
The ringed seal is the smallest seal in Greenland and the one that has adapted best to the life in the Icefjord.
In springtime the females seek shelter in lairs in the snow where they give birth.
The ringed seal mostly eats polar cod and weighs 50-100 kg.
How has the ringed seal adapted to life in the Icefjord, making it possible to survive all year?
What are the benefits of breeding in a lair in the snow?
Would it affect the population of ringed seal if the copepod was unable to get fat during the spring bloom?
This is a picture of a seal pup. It has a white fur that will later become darker around the head and on the back a horseshoe-shaped marking will appear.
An adult seal eats up to 3 kg a day; it eats cod and crustaceans.
The harp seal swims like a dolphin, making it the fastest of seals.
What is dolphin swimming?
What does moulting mean?
Why can the cold be dangerous to a newborn pup?
The ringed seal is the smallest seal in Greenland and the one that has adapted best to the life in the Icefjord.
In springtime the females seek shelter in lairs in the snow where they give birth.
The ringed seal mostly eats polar cod and weighs 50-100 kg.
How has the ringed seal adapted to life in the Icefjord, making it possible to survive all year?
What are the benefits of breeding in a lair in the snow?
Would it affect the population of ringed seal if the copepod was unable to get fat during the spring bloom?