The harpoon tips have developed through time and different materials have been used.
For more than 3,000 years sea mammals have been caught with harpoons.
Harpooning from the edge of the ice, Iterlassuaq near Thule, 1947.
Look at the ice floe at page 8 in the book. What hunting tools can you see and what are they made of?
What is the difference between harpoon heads made of reindeer antler and those made of narwhal or walrus tusk?
What animals can be caught in the Disko Bay, and what animal might be hunted in this picture?
The harpoon tips have developed through time and different materials have been used.
For more than 3,000 years sea mammals have been caught with harpoons.
Harpooning from the edge of the ice, Iterlassuaq near Thule, 1947.
Look at the ice floe at page 8 in the book. What hunting tools can you see and what are they made of?
What is the difference between harpoon heads made of reindeer antler and those made of narwhal or walrus tusk?
What animals can be caught in the Disko Bay, and what animal might be hunted in this picture?