From 1720 the Danish-Norwegian state founded trading stations in Greenland.
This facilitated the exchange of goods.
Who is Jakobshavn named after? When did the town officially get its original name back? What does it mean?
Denmark and Norway were a commonwealth from 1536 to 1814. What countries are in a commonwealth with Denmark today?
What did the introduction of home rule mean to Greenland?
At the beginning of the colonial era, Disko Bay had the best hunting conditions in Greenland.
So here was the largest group of hunters, hunting and selling what they caught.
The colonial power was dependent on the best hunters.
What is a great hunter and why was the colonial power dependent on them?
What biological factors made the Disko Bay the place with the best conditions for hunting and fishing?
Why was there a shift from hunting to fishing in the 1920s?
The picture shows one of the grocery stores.
This is administrator Sofus in his shop. These shops were part of the trading posts and supplied the hunters with European goods.
What goods were coveted in the grocery stores?
How was the way of life of the Inuit before trading posts?
What was good and what was not so good for the Inuit becoming sedentary?
From 1720 the Danish-Norwegian state founded trading stations in Greenland.
This facilitated the exchange of goods.
Who is Jakobshavn named after? When did the town officially get its original name back? What does it mean?
Denmark and Norway were a commonwealth from 1536 to 1814. What countries are in a commonwealth with Denmark today?
What did the introduction of home rule mean to Greenland?
At the beginning of the colonial era, Disko Bay had the best hunting conditions in Greenland.
So here was the largest group of hunters, hunting and selling what they caught.
The colonial power was dependent on the best hunters.
What is a great hunter and why was the colonial power dependent on them?
What biological factors made the Disko Bay the place with the best conditions for hunting and fishing?
Why was there a shift from hunting to fishing in the 1920s?
The picture shows one of the grocery stores.
This is administrator Sofus in his shop. These shops were part of the trading posts and supplied the hunters with European goods.
What goods were coveted in the grocery stores?
How was the way of life of the Inuit before trading posts?
What was good and what was not so good for the Inuit becoming sedentary?