The European whalers came to Greenland between 1670 and 1750.
Yet another cultural meeting took place but this time between Inuit and the European whalers.
What did the European whalers use the whales for?
What happened to the population of whales?
What was traded between the European whalers and the Inuit?
Here you see the Greenlandic national dress.
The glass beads on the collar are inspired from those the Europeans brought with them.
This cultural exchange also affected the European fashion.
What were baleens used for?
What do you see in the picture on page 26?
How did both the Inuit and the European whalers benefit from their cultural meeting?
In the meeting between Inuit and European whalers music often was central.
Their music flowed together in this meeting, creating good relations.
Den grønlandske polka kalattuut var inspireret af den europæiske polka.
What instruments did the Europeans bring to Greenland?
Which dance did the European polka inspire?
How did festivities and dancing facilitate exchanges?
The European whalers came to Greenland between 1670 and 1750.
Yet another cultural meeting took place but this time between Inuit and the European whalers.
What did the European whalers use the whales for?
What happened to the population of whales?
What was traded between the European whalers and the Inuit?
Here you see the Greenlandic national dress.
The glass beads on the collar are inspired from those the Europeans brought with them.
This cultural exchange also affected the European fashion.
What were baleens used for?
What do you see in the picture on page 26?
How did both the Inuit and the European whalers benefit from their cultural meeting?
In the meeting between Inuit and European whalers music often was central.
Their music flowed together in this meeting, creating good relations.
Den grønlandske polka kalattuut var inspireret af den europæiske polka.
What instruments did the Europeans bring to Greenland?
Which dance did the European polka inspire?
How did festivities and dancing facilitate exchanges?